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Take the first step

Here's an old story from the Chandamama magazine I felt like sharing:

Once upon a time, a wandering Buddhist monk came across a troubled man wandering restlessly under a tree.

From the expression on the man's face, the monk could make out that the man was terribly moody and perturbed. He paced up and down frequently and was muttering some incoherent babble. The Monk judged that the person came from a well-to-do background, judging by the fine clothes and jewels he wore.

The monk approached the man and asked him, "Sir, I can see that you seem very disturbed. May I enquire as to why do you feel so agitated? Perhaps, I can be of some help."

The man at first did not notice the Monk approach and continued his behavior. The Monk again put forth his question.

The man stopped and noticed the monk for the first time. "Go Away! No One can help me!", he shouted rudely to the monk.

The Monk was unperturbed by the man's rude behavior and stood his ground.

Seeing the monk still standing, the man relented. He stopped pacing back and forth and stood still, eyeing the monk.

In a morose tone he said, "I am sick and tired of the wicked ways of the world. Everywhere I go, I see corruption, crime, debauchery, greed and lust pervade. People have forgotten what Honesty, hard work and patience mean. Brother plots against brother for wealth, Generals plot to overthrow the King in the lust for the throne. Vice dominates while virtue hides in shame. I am sick of it all. I have had enough! I will end my life by drowning in the Ganges!"

The Monk replied calmly, "And what good would taking your own life do, my dear Sir? It will not change anything. It would be a mark of cowardice. Your action will only cause further anguish to your near and dear ones."

Hearing this, the man sighed and raised his arms in exasperation, "Then what would you have me do brother?", he asked. "Should I accept what is going around me and join the immorality? I surely expected a better and wiser answer from you, O Monk!"

The Monk replied, "By no means did I encourage you do shed your virtue and compromise on your principles, My good Sir. I only said that taking your own life would be like running away from your problems. It would achieve nothing! Instead, I advise you to to first ask yourself: Did you do anything to change the corrupt behavior of those around you, or were you merely a mute spectator who stood by the wayside?"

The Man shrugged and replied, "What can one solitary man do against an entire system?"

The Monk replied, "Then as a first step, first change yourself, before thinking of changing the world. Make sure that you start walking on the path which you expect others to follow."

"And what good would that do? That would achieve nothing. I would end up being lampooned and ridiculed.", the man replied.

The Monk replied, "The longest journey starts with a single step. But you need to take that first step. The path which I advise to you is by no means easy. But, realize that nothing worthwhile in this life comes easy. Nothing comes without effort and change.

The rich man however, was not very convinced. He shook his head sadly, as if to indicate that the monk's advice was futile.

The monk replied, "The longest journey starts with a single step. An entire ocean is filled by the smallest droplets of water. Long and challenging your journey may be, but it will never be possible if you take the first step and keep heading in the right direction. Sure, people will bicker at you. They will think you are crazy. They will not hesitate in ridiculing you and maligning you. But keep going on that path undaunted. Continue; do not stop or hesitate despite the hurdles which will spring up on you, no matter how insurmountable they may seem. When people realize how steadfast you are to your own ideals, they will slowly start respecting you and follow your path. If a single rotten vegetable can corrupt the entire garden, the converse is also true. A single honest and incorruptible soul can inspire others to follow the path of righteousness. Do not think yourself to be alone in this long and tough journey. There are many who wish to follow the right path but hesitate due to internal or external weaknesses. You will be an inspiration to them, a lone beacon of hope steadfastly holding it;s own against the storm of wickedness. But for that Sir, take the first step! Be the change you want to see!"

The Rich Man was impressed. He felt recharged and rejuvenated. He arose and said, "Your words ring true, o wise and learned one. I shall set about right away."

True to his word, the Rich Man started his trek on the path of virtue. Initially, he was ridiculed by all his family, friends and colleagues. But he remained steadfast. Undaunted, he continued his long march. Soon, people started respecting his actions and he became a paragon of virtue throughout the land. He inspired many people to give up their corrupt and immoral ways was successful in rooting out vice in his Kingdom.

We often lament about how conditions still remain the same, how things need to change, how corrupt and decadent our society has become. But we seldom realize that we, as individuals and society have done nothing on our part to stem the rot, to bring about positive change. Many-a-times, we remain mute spectators to atrocity or sometimes even support it. Change begins at an individual level, at grassroots. Only if we change ourselves for the better can we hope for the society as a whole to change.

Be the change you want to see!

Take the first step now !!



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