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Wishing you a happy new 2019

Season’s greetings and a very happy new year in advance to all of you !!

Once again, it’s that time of the year when the year ends. Yes, it’s the year end time. Another year 2018 will pass by in history the dust while 2019 kicks off.

Time flies and how !! It’s already year end time and the days of 2018 are still fresh in my mind !!

Once again, people will make resolutions which they already made the last year, the year before last and before that; and this time hopefully keep them.

I too, made some resolutions last year, as indicated in my blog post in the beginning of 2018. I also stated that I would come back at the end of the year and look at how I’ve done in maintaining those resolutions so far.

Well, here’s how I fared out:

Goal # 1: Write more often

I think I did moderately well in this department. Just average and nothing much. A busy schedule prevented me from adding in more content. But I still did find some time and posted the following articles:

The fourth article in the list above technically does not count as it’s a repost. I actually had posted that a long time back on another blog forum. But I thought I would repost it once again. I’m glad to see that it got many views and positive reviews.

This year, I aim to improve on that of course; once again time and schedule permitting. Thanks to all the readers who have read my posts and encouraged me with their comments. The count of the articles above does not justify the “More often” part of my goal. But I think, given my commitments, it’s a fairly decent number. I’d rate myself 5 out of 10 for this.

Goal # 2: Stay Connected

I admit I have been most lax in this part. I made a commitment to learn new technologies, new tools and the lot. But sadly, I haven’t made any improvement from last year. Not even an inch. Just goes to show that it’s easy to set lofty goals, but to walk the talk (or words in this case) is a totally different thing. No excuses from my side. I can’t think of any. The usual things cliched issues crop up such as lack of time, busy in work etc. etc. But at the end of the day, I have only myself to blame. I definitely hope to make some sort of progress this year. I’d rate myself 1 out of 10 for this. (Sad but true !!)

Goal # 3: Exercise and stay fit

For this Goal, I am happy to say that I have made some progress. Though, I haven’t exactly being doing six packs training (I am still very far from that goal), but I at least have made some start. And what’s more important, I am sticking to it. I have been doing my fair share of exercise. And this is because I firmly made a commitment to stick to my resolve, busy schedule notwithstanding. On this goal, I’d rate myself 7 out of 10.

Goal # 4: Spend as much as time as possible with my loved ones

I think I have done reasonably well in this area too. Late nights at work and workaholic behavior does not set a good trend to colleagues and juniors. I’m happy to say that things were not as bad as before. I’d rate myself 5 out of 10 in this regard.

So going by my performance, I think I have scored average in all departments (except for learning new skills; an area which I will definitely work to improve on in 2019).


It’s not great shakes. But it’s not so bad either. I’m not too disappointed but at the same time, I’m not so super proud too. I’m just quietly satisfied that I am taking steps in the right direction and will get to where I want to be in time. I did not set unusually high expectations to begin with. I knew that a perfect ten would be near impossible. I mentally steeled myself knowing that if I reached anyway around the halfway mark, it would be a good start.

And that’s where majority of the problems lie in life: expecting too much.

For 2018, I wrote about hope. For 2019, it’s all about balance. Balance is broadly defined as having everything in equal proportion. Neither too much, nor too little. Just the optimum quantity.

Most people crave for excesses; excessive wealth, beauty, fame and fortune. But sadly, very few realize that what they should be asking for is for balance; having just about enough of what is needed.

Balance is the key to harmony of nature and the universe. Balance is the key to happiness.

All around us, we see examples of how Balance plays such an important part in this world.

Too much, or too little of anything is not good.

In school, we’ve been taught a multiple times to have a balanced diet; a diet which balances your daily nutritional needs; which ensures that you take food in the right quantity and quality. Too much of anything in your diet leads to disorders such as obesity, heart related issues, etc. In the same way, inadequate intake of food or not having foods which have certain vitamins and minerals results in deficiency disorders such as Xerophthalmia, Scurvy, Rickets, Goitre etc. Therefore, Balance is the key to health.

All schools these days stress on a well balanced curriculum and the overall personality development of children, rather than make them focussed in one area. Many have realized that education is not just confined to books and reading, but depends on a healthy awareness of all that’s going around; being aware of life’s fundamental processes; how things work. Schools should also place emphasis on developing personality traits such as self-confidence, public speaking, confidence to handle tough and hostile situations. It’s impossible to be an expert in everything, but the key is to be aware. In today’s fast paced and constantly changing world ignorance is never an excuse. Awareness is the key. Balance is the key to healthy personality development.

Balance also makes the crucial difference in our personal and professional growth. It’s been known that we grow only when we come out of our comfort zone; when we start experimenting; pushing our limits. True growth and self awareness can only be known when we come out of our shell, venture into the unknown. But it’s equally important to know your limitations. If you’re a fish, you cannot be expected to climb a tree. Therefore, here once again Balance plays a very important part in our lives. Balance is all about being self aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

Balance plays a key part in our perception of success and failure. People generally tend to get inspired by success and bogged down by failure. But here again, a healthy balance sets things straight. There’s a very popular line in the famous poem ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling which goes as such:

If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two imposters just the same;

Enjoy your success by all means, but don’t be carried away by it, lest it makes you overconfident and complacent. Similarly, don’t be too bogged down by failure because behind every failure there is a lesson to be learnt; a lesson which will take you closer to your ultimate goal.

Balance plays a very important role in your workplace and your personal life. It’s important that you balance your work life and your personal life and not let both of them overlap. This might be easier said than done in today’s hyper stressful world. It’s as important that you take time out to attend to personal needs and spend time with your near and dear ones and not get stuck with work all the time. Similarly, while you are at work, ensure that your focus is on work only and do not let your personal problems overwhelm you, no matter how overwhelming they may be. As the saying goes, “Don’t take your work home and don’t take your home to work.”

Life is all about balance. Just as there are various seasons in a year, life is full of varied experiences; good, bad, helpful, harmful, funny, depressing, unfortunate, lucky etc. It takes all types of animals to make a jungle. All these experiences help you shape your outlook and make you a complete and balanced person. Take all of them in your stride and live life to the fullest! You only live once, but if you live it good; once is enough.

On this note, I wish you all in advance, a very happy, prosperous and balanced new year.



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© Srinivas Pavan Addanki , 2020

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