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The case of the identical dolls !!

Here’s an old story from the Tinkle Magazine which I thought I should share:

There was once a King who was seeking to appoint a wise and experienced minister to assist in matters of administration and politics for the Kingdom. He devised a simple but effective test for determining the correct candidate.

He arranged for three identical dolls to be placed next to each other in a room. These dolls were so identical in all characteristics that it was virtually impossible to make out any difference between them. He then announced across the Kingdom that whosoever would correctly point out the differences between these dolls would be appointed as the minister to the King and would be paid a handsome salary apart from receiving other benefits.

As the news of the announcement spread, many men from far and wide across their land came to try their luck. Each candidate was taken to the room and was asked to examine each doll and tell the difference between them, if any. But as hard as they tried, the dolls were so identical that it was impossible to tell them apart. Eventually, they gave up in frustration. Some people, in a desperate attempt to win the coveted position tried to mislead the King, but their lies were exposed and they were severely punished.

After innumerable such failed attempts, the King was worried whether his test to recruit the correct candidate was going to work out. He was almost considering withdrawing the test until one last candidate appeared. He was simple in appearance and was careful with his words.

Considering that he had nothing to lose, the King decided to give this man a chance. As with the other candidates this man was taken to the room and was shown the three identical dolls. The man stayed in the room for a considerable amount of time. Finally, he came out and told the King that he found the answer to the riddle.

The King who was expecting another failure, was surprised.

“Are you sure that you have cracked the riddle? If you are found to be wrong you will be severely punished!”, the King said.

“Yes your majesty! I can confidently say that I have cracked the riddle. If your highness would be so kind and accompany me to the room ….” , the man replied, unperturbed by the King’s harsh tone.

Full of curiosity, the King and his entourage followed the man into the room.

Once inside the man picked up the first doll. He then produced a thin stalk of straw and inserted it in a tiny opening in the doll’s ear. The straw came out through the other ear.

The man turned to the king and said, “Your highness, many people are like this first doll. They listen in one ear and let the matter go out from the other. They don't retain anything, are not really concerned and do not take any responsibility.”

The man then picked up the second doll and inserted the straw in the doll’s ear. This time, the straw came out via the doll’s mouth.

“Your highness, there are many people who are also like this second doll. They do listen to what you have to say but cannot keep it to themselves. They soon spread the word to others. They indulge in petty gossip and are mostly responsible for spreading rumors. These are untrustworthy people who cannot be entrusted with a secret.”, the man explained to the eagerly watching King.

The man then picked up the third doll and inserted the straw inside its’ ear. This time the straw stayed inside and did not come out.

“Your highness, very few people in this world are like this third doll. They take in all information. can be entrusted with important tasks and can keep secrets. They are totally trustworthy and loyal. Your majesty, I am like this third doll. If you select me as a minister, I can assure unflinching loyalty and dedication from my side.”, the man concluded.

The King stared at the man intently for a while. He then broke out into a smile and happily said, “You are right on all counts. You are indeed the person I am looking for. I hereby appoint you as Minister with immediate effect.”

As it turned out, the King made the right choice. The minister turned out to be wise, clever and capable and assisted the King faithfully in all matters of administration.


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