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The Wise Choice !

One day, God appeared to me in a dream.

He said, “Son! I am pleased with you and the good work you have been doing all this time. Therefore, I am offering you a choice of three gifts. They are:

  • Health

  • Wealth

  • Wisdom

Choose carefully, my son. You can choose just one of the three.”

I thought long and hard.

Health was a good choice. After all health is wealth. But health can be maintained with a regular exercise and a balanced diet. So, I rejected health.

Wealth seemed to be the logical choice. Money can after-all, buy you anything in the world and open the gateways of power. But my conscience pricked me, telling me that Money needs to be hard earned with smart and honest work. So being the good person that I was, I rejected Wealth.

Which left me with the only remaining choice, Wisdom. Wisdom is a trait many cherish but few acquire. It is a virtue which can only be acquired in time by hard work, intelligence and persistence. It is not something which can be built overnight.

So finally, after a long time I said to God, “God, I have chosen!”

God replied, “And what have you chosen, my Son?”

“I choose wisdom.”, I replied.

God smiled and said, “A wise choice. So be it!”.

And all of a sudden, I felt very mature and wise beyond my years.

God asked, “So my son, let’s hear your first words of wisdom then!”

To which I replied forlornly, “I should have taken the money.” ☹



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© Srinivas Pavan Addanki , 2020

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