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The new map of India !!

The Modi Sarkar is one government which believes in actually walking the talk, unlike previous governments which only made empty promises, all in the name of the vote bank.

By scrapping article 370 and 35 A, India has finally righted a historical wrong. A wrong which should have been righted a long time back but wasn't done so; mainly to appease a particular minority community in the name of vote bank politics and to aid a few elite corrupt people to make more money while the blood of innocents was being spilled.

The state of Jammu and Kashmir will now be split into two union territories:

a) Jammu & Kashmir (With a legislature)

b) Ladakh (Without a legislature)

This is how the new map of India will look like:

Image courtesy:

It's happy to know that the people of Ladakh will finally get a voice. The stirring speech in parliament by Ladakh MP Jamgyang Tsering Namgyal is heartening to hear. I pray that the Ladakhi Language soon gets officially recognized as one of the national languages of India and gets the long-awaited respect due to it.

To whose who oppose the scrapping of article 370 and 35A, let they be reminded that the article was a temporary measure placed to ensure the smooth transition of the Kingdom of Kashmir to the Indian union. It was never meant to be a permanent solution, as some people have thought it to be. There cannot always be one-way traffic. This move will make way for more investments in Kashmir and will hopefully pave the way for economic prosperity in the region.

It's also amusing to see how this move has been highlighted as mainstream news by all Pakistani media, while it's actually India's internal matter. After seventy years of Independence, Pakistan still refuses to give up it's lopsided and narrow minded pursuit of Kashmir, despite being very much in the brink of economic disaster itself. Imran Khan, the Pakistani Prime Minister has gone on record and stated that there could be war in the offing if India does not take back it's stance. But both he and the world know that Pakistan does not have enough influence to make India back out. And India is not one to feel intimidated on the threat of war. If war does break out, then this will be just the opportunity India is looking for to resolve the Kashmir Dispute once and for all.

Some have compared this move with that of China taking over Hong Kong in 1997. But there is a candid difference. The people of Hong Kong vehemently opposed the move to integrate with mainland China and are still unhappy about it, leading to the formation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and the "One country - two systems" form of government. Whereas in India, many Kashmiris are happy with the removal of article 370 and have welcomed it.

While this move has definitely opened the doors of Kashmir to the rest of India, let's all not rush in. Let's give some time for the situation to sink in. Lets gain the trust of the people with love and not by force.

The die has been cast. How this move impacts Kashmir, Ladakh and India as a whole in the future remains to be seen.

Jai Hind !!


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