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The Hundredth trick !!

There was once an old and decrepit master wrestler who was way past his prime. One day, a very fit, young and athletic wrestler approached the old guy begged him to teach the famous ninety nine tricks of wrestling.

The old man declined and said, “Look at me! I am old and decrepit and I’m not interested!”

The young man did not give up and kept pestering the old man who kept turning him down.

“Look son”, the old man said. “I’m fragile now. After I reach you the ninety nine tricks, you’re going to challenge me, they always do – and then you will make mincemeat of me.”

“Please master”, the young man pleaded. “I promise I will never challenge you! Oh, please teach me the ninety nine tricks!”

So reluctantly, the old man taught him the ninety nine tricks until the young man mastered them completely. The young man then went on to become a famous wrestler. One day he took his master to a room, locked the door and challenged him.

The old man groaned and said, “I knew this day would come! That’s why I didn’t want to teach you in the first place.”

“Come on old man, there’s just you and me in here.”, said the young man. “Let’s see what you’re made of.”

And just as soon as they started, the old man threw the young fellow out of the window in a super wrestling move. The wounded and crumpled up young man moaned in pain from the street below, “You didn’t show me that one!”

“That was trick number one hundred.”, replied the old man.


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