India's finest hour!

Today, the 16th of December is a special day for all of India and her people. This day will always be remembered as the day of victory: of good over evil, of light over darkness, of freedom against tyranny.
This day marks the 49th anniversary of India’s stupendous victory over Pakistan in the 1971 war, known in India as the 1971 Indo-Pak war or the Bangladesh Liberation War. It marks Independent India’s biggest and most spectacular military triumph till date. And more importantly, it marks the birth of a new and proud, independent nation; Bangladesh.
This day would not have been possible if it not were for three very important factors:
The brazenness of the Indian Army Field Marshal to voice his opinion to the establishment, even if it meant risking his position and his career.
The careful and meticulous planning of our commanders, keeping even the most minute of factors into account.
And last but not the least, the exemplary bravery on the field of our distinguished Officers, Captains, Pilots, Sailors and Jawans.
In just a matter of thirteen days, the Indian Army battled the enemy on two fronts, decimated the opposition and forced the enemy to surrender unconditionally.
I can write more and more; in fact I will. But time and a practical sense force me to curb my enthusiasm; for now!
This blog is dedicated to the brave soldiers of the Indian Army, who fought like Tigers for their nation.
This blog is dedicated to freedom! Let no person live under tyranny, under slavery and servitude to another! Let all be free to live the life the way they choose!
Jai Hind!